Tawagheet/ Idols:-      

       In Islamic context, Taghut refers to idolatry, considered impurity. This can be anything worshipped other than Allah, such as deities of other religions or people claiming themselves to be holy outside of Islam's definition. The plural of Taghut is Tawagheet.

       Taghut is- "Anything that has been worshipped or obeyed or followed or submitted to instead of Allah"

Taghut could be:

A human being.
Anything else that is worshipped instead of Allah

       Stone cults were neither uncommon nor uncivilized. Even the Greeks were wont to worship stones. Apollo was once believed to be a meteorite in Delphi. His sanctuary was thought to be the center of the earth.

       Robert Charroux, in Masters of the World , explained, "Helenius, the son of Priam and a famous Greek soothsayer, could foretell the future by means of a stone that had been given to him by Apollo. To obtain the oracle of the gods, he shook the stone above his head and recited the incantations. The stone then spoke in a strange, faint voice and announced the future."

       And so it would be; a millennia later Muhammad would heed the summons of another talking stone.

       There were pagan temples - also called Ka'ba - which were venerated by different tribes in the same manner as the Ka'ba. These temples too, had their own guardians and overseers and they used to make offerings to them as they did to the Ka'ba as well as to circumambulate and sacrifice at them.

       None the less, the pagan Arabs held the Ka'ba of Mecca in greater superiority.

Ishaq 38-39

       Al Uzza was venerated by B. Kinana and the Quraysh at Nakhla.

       Al Lat was venerated by the Thaqif at Taif.

           Al Manat was venerated by the Aus and Khazraj at Qudayd.

       Dhul-Khalsa belonged to Daus in the area of Tabala.

       The Black Stone and its House were hardly unique. There were many such temples, called tawagheet, scattered across Arabia. Patrons made sacrifices and left gifts to their stone of choice, prostrated themselves in prayer, and circumambulated the shrines. Most commanded hajj and umrah pilgrimages during holy months.

       Those seeking the rock’s blessing would commonly rub themselves against the stone and kiss it reverently.

The Islamic scripture agrees:

Ishaq:38 "Every house had an idol which they worshiped. They would rub the stone for good luck. When Allah sent Muhammad with the message of monotheism, the Quraysh said: ‘Would he make many gods into one god? This is a strange thing."

       *** Unfortunately for 'Islam', many false gods do not one true god make ***

Ishaq:38 "Now along with the Ka'ba, the Arabs had adopted Tawagheet, temples they venerated like the Ka'ba. They, too, had their custodians. They used to circumambulate them."

       According to 'Islamic' scriptures, Allah was one of many pagan rock idols, the Ka'ba was one of many pagan rock shrines. 'Islamic' circumambulation is one of many pagan rites that were subsumed and ISLAMIZED into the Cult of Muhammad.

Ishaq:38 "Al-Lat was in a Taghut Temple in Ta'if which was venerated like the Ka'ba."

Ishaq:38 "Luhayy put Al-Uzza in a Nakhla Taghut. When they had finished their Ka'ba Hajj they circumambulated Al-Uzza. The Quraysh worshiped her. Manat was worshiped by the Aus and Khazraj in Yathrib."

Ishaq:39 Those who prayed to Al-Uzza and Manat, "shaved their heads and completed all of the rites associated with the Hajj." Yet these men were pagans. How did their rituals become part of Islam and why?

       Muhammadan Muslims are compelled to observe the same rituals today. The Black Stone, its House, the prostration, kissing, circumambulation, shaving, the hajj, umrah, and holy months were METAMORPHOSED from a Pagan past to Orthodox Islam by way of corrupted Jewish scriptures. The most telling of these tales is the one in which Muhammad and Allah claimed that Abraham smashed lesser idols so that his people might turn to the largest one.

       A quartz god was worshiped in Tabhalah, an oasis town seven days journey from Mecca. Sad was the rock deity in the region of Jeddah along the Red Sea, west of Mecca.

Ishaq:39 "Many Arabs served an idol named Dhu'l-Khalasa. Himyar had a temple called Ri'am.

       Ruda was the temple of the Banu Rabi'a. Dhu'l-Ka'abat belonged to the Banu Bakr.

        Bahira was the filly of the Sa'iba. Hami was their stallion. Wasila was a ewe. Muhammad said, ‘Allah has not made Bahira, Wasila, or Hami. And those who do not agree invent lies.'"

       We are told that the Azds and Nabateans bowed to "Dhu'l-al-Shara in his shrine in Petra." He was a proud god with a large rectangular stone and elegant temple to match. Like Allah, Dhu'l-al-Shara was a reddish brown rock.

       Fellow moon gods could be found in Marib, Hureidha, and Tayma. Il Umquh was the Sabean moon god in Marib.

       In Hureidha, the god was Sin, named after the famous moon god of the Chaldeans in Ur. The last Babylonian king, Nabonidus, built an elaborate Taghut in Tayma to his moon god while in exile. The moon god of Mecca, Allah, lived, if we may be so bold, in the heart of moon god country.

Bukhari:6.374 "We were in the Prophet’s company in the middle of the lunar month. He looked at the moon and said, ‘You will see your Lord as you see this moon.'" This reverence to the moon was hardly a flight of fancy.

       Allah’s daughters, Al-Uzza, Al-Lat, and Manat, being chips off the old block, were stones. Manat was symbolized by a darkened moon, eerily reminiscent of Islam today. She was the goddess of fate and commanded her subjects to shave their heads when approaching her. Being a good pagan, when Muhammad fulfilled his umrah pilgrimage in Mecca, he shaved his head in Manat’s presence.

       This pagan practice was invested with 'godly' overtones when Muhammad insisted that Abraham had done likewise. Later, Muhammad honored the pagan goddess Manat by incorporating predestination into 'Islam'.

        Al-Lat had her own shrine in Ta'if, near Mecca. A cubic rock, she lived on barley porridge. While her diet was humble, her veneration was not. Her temple lies under the left minaret of the early Islamic mosque of Ta'if.

       Al-Lat’s sister, the goddess Al-Uzza, was considerably younger and lived in the Hurad valley. A Quraysh favorite, she received the most lavish gifts and sacrifices. Muhammad saw her as a nude black woman.

       Interestingly enough, 'Islam' itself was nearly sacrificed at the altar of Allah’s three little girls. In a weaker moment Muhammad said that the goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat were intercessors with Allah, intermediaries. But then when the monotheistic wing of his religion objected to four pagan gods being three too many, Muhammad confessed that he had been inspired by Satan; this is the case of the SATANIC VERSES controvesy.

       *** All the traditions, fetishes and religious beliefs of Pagan Arabia are ABSORBED into and ACTED out by the Muhammadan Muslims even today, when they attend to the HAJJ rituals, except one: only Allah remains from among the 360 gods and goddesses of the Ka'ba ***